Thursday, August 12, 2010

P.C.T. Mop -Up Tour Finished!!!!

We started hiking north from Sierra City on 7/23/10 and 6 days later we reached Highway 36 (Chester) finishing that 138.2 mile fire section!!! Met some great 2010 thru-hikers and stopped at Buck's Lake for a night of rest and relaxation with the wonderful trail angels there.

Another ride (HUGE thanks to Jim) brought us up to Etna summit (after visiting the Heitman's in Old Station and then a nice rest day at the Hiker Hut in Etna) On 7/30/10 we walked into the absolutely beautiful Marble Mtn, what a great section....55.5 miles later on 8/1 we walked into Seiad Valley@ 8 am........with big smiles on our faces! Enjoyed breakfast at the cafe, showered up and hitched a ride out of town. P.C.T. Mop-Up Tour DONE! :)
Had a wonderful roadtrip after the 190 miles were done, saw the Redwoods, drove the whole Oregon Coast, saw Mt. St. Helens and an elk and then spent a few days in Portland, OR with Dandy..........what a great trip!
Total Stats for our P.C.T. hike are as follows;
2,655.4 miles
154 days complete
133 of walking
21 zero days (rest days)